Sailing group

The hotel has a small number of dinghies that are available to hire.
Windsurf boards (I think 25 euros/hour).
Lasers (30 euros/hour, 1 person, maybe 2)
Hobie cat 15 (40 euros/hour, 1-4 people crew), available later this week.
I will try it out already on Monday at 5 if there is time. When the Hobie cat becomes available, we can consider a more regular session for a larger group.

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No timetable published yet.


Martino Sorbaro


Chiara Bartolozzi
Matteo Cartiglia
Yigit Demirag
Julian Goeltz
Edward Jones
Efstathios Kagioulis
Gregor Lenz
Rebecca Miko
Margherita Ronchini
Yulia Sandamirskaya
Martino Sorbaro
Dmitrii Zendrikov