Neuromorphic engineering: where are we and how can we move towards AGI?

Neuromorphic engineering field started about 3 decades ago with the goal to understand the organizing principles of the brain and implementing it.
- Which organizing principles do we know today which have proven to have a technological advantage?
- What is missing in the mainstream AI that these organizing principles can help solve?
- What is currently missing to come up with a general framework to understand general intelligence and implement it? or how do we even define general intelligence?

Join us to brainstorm about where we are in neuromorphic engineering today and discuss how can we get inspired from the brain to achieve the golden goal of general intelligence.

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Day Time Location
Fri, 06.05.2022 16:00 - 17:00 Outside of the lobby
Mon, 09.05.2022 16:00 - 17:00 Outside of the lobby


Melika Payvand


Chiara Bartolozzi
Yeshwanth Bethi
Younes Bouhadjar
Matteo Cartiglia
Jörg Conradt
Tobi Delbruck
Yigit Demirag
Nik Dennler
Robert Gowers
Anne-Men Huijzer
Giacomo Indiveri
Ella Janotte
Edward Jones
Michele Mastella
Filippo Moro
Caterina Moruzzi
Dylan Muir
Mattias Nilsson
Yihan Pan
Melika Payvand
Luca Peres
Paul Pfeiffer
Mathis Richter
Gregor Schuhknecht
Saray Soldado-Magraner
Simon Thorpe
Dmitrii Zendrikov